Shih Tzu Follows Me Everywhere: Should I Be Concerned?
My Shih Tzu follows me everywhere? It’s the question that many Shih Tzu owners ask us. If your Shih Tzu follows you, it may be a sign that they are overly attached to you, which can lead to separation anxiety and other behavioral problems. On the other hand, it could also be a sign of a strong bond and affection.
In this article, we’ll explore why your Shih Tzu may be following you everywhere and offer tips for encouraging more independent behavior.
Before we dive in, it’s important to remember that every dog is different, and what works for one dog may not work for another. If you’re concerned about your Shih Tzu behavior, it’s always a good idea to consult a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer.
Why does your Shih Tzu follow you everywhere?

It can be pretty annoying at times that your Shih Tzu follows you everywhere you go. But there must be a good reason for it:
1. Showing Love
The most likely reason your Shih Tzu follows you everywhere is that they love you! Shih Tzus are known for being loyal and affectionate dogs and often bond closely with their owners. If your Shih Tzu follows you around constantly, it’s a good sign that they see you as their best friend.
2. Want Your Attention
Another reason your Shih Tzu may follow you everywhere is that they want your attention. Shih Tzus are known for being attention seekers, and they may become anxious or depressed if they feel like they’re not getting enough of your time. If your Shih Tzu follows you around constantly, it may be a sign that they’re feeling neglected and looking for extra love and attention.
3. Curiosity
Shih Tzus are also known for being curious dogs, which may be another reason they follow you everywhere. If something new in your house or you start doing something different, your Shih Tzu will likely want to check it out and see what’s happening. This curiosity can sometimes lead to trouble, but it can also be one of the things that makes Shih Tzus such fun and engaging companions.
4. Want to Protect You
Another possible reason your Shih Tzu follows you everywhere is that they want to protect you. While Shih Tzus are not typically bred as guard dogs, their loyalty to their owners can sometimes lead them to try and protect them from perceived threats. If your Shih Tzu follows you around constantly, it could be a sign that they’re trying to keep an eye on you and ensure you stay safe.
5. Boredom
If your Shih Tzu follows you around constantly but doesn’t seem to be exhibiting any other signs of separation anxiety or insecurity, they may just be bored. If your dog needs more exercise or stimulation, they may start following you around to find something interesting to do. It can often be remedied by increasing your dog’s activity or providing them with more toys and puzzles to keep them occupied.
6. Anxious or scared
Another reason your Shih Tzu may be following you is that they feel anxious or scared. It might be due to a change in their environment, such as a move to a new house, or it could be caused by something that has happened to them, such as being attacked by another dog. If your dog seems anxious or scared, try taking them to the vet for a check-up to see if there is an underlying medical condition causing their anxiety.
Related: Shih Tzu Anxiety: How To Deal With It?
7. Need to go potty
If your Shih Tzu starts following you around more than usual, it could be because they need to go potty. Dogs often follow their owners when they need to go outside to relieve themselves. If your dog starts following you and then stops and sniffs around, it’s a good indication that they need to go potty.
Related: How Often Should A Shih Tzu Poop: A Comprehensive Guide
Should I be concerned, if my Shih Tzu Follows me everywhere?
Many people find it flattering when their dog follows them everywhere. After all, it’s a sign of affection, right? Well, not necessarily. Sometimes, it is a sign that your dog is anxious or stressed. If your Shih Tzu follows you everywhere you go, it could be because he’s worried he’ll lose sight of you and end up alone. It can be especially true if you’re the only person he spends time with.
While it’s sweet that he wants to be near you all the time, giving him some space and having some time on his own is essential. Otherwise, he may become overly clingy and suffer separation anxiety. So, if your Shih Tzu follows you around a bit too much, it’s essential to take some steps to help him relax and feel more comfortable on his own. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a needy little shadow instead of a confident, independent dog.
What can I do to Stop my Shih Tzu from Following me?
While it can be flattering to have an animal so devoted to you, it can also be a bit of a nuisance. If you’re looking for ways to stop your Shih Tzu from following you around, here are a few tips that may help:
1. Establish rules where your Shih Tzu is allowed to go
If you don’t want him in the kitchen, ensure he understands that he is not allowed in that room. Set up barriers or gates as necessary to enforce the rules.
2. Get a second dog
Another option is to get a second dog. It will give your Shih Tzu someone to play with and may help to keep it from following you as much. Just ensure you get a dog compatible with a Shih Tzu, as some breeds can be pretty aggressive.
Related: Best Companion For Shih Tzu: Human, Dogs, Or Cats?
3. Give your Shih Tzu its own space
If you don’t want to get another dog, try giving your Shih Tzu its space in the house. It could be a crate or a playpen where the dog can go when it wants some alone time. You can also put the dog in another room when you’re not home, so it doesn’t need to follow you around.
4. Take your Shih Tzu for walks

One of the best things you can do for your Shih Tzu is to take it for walks. It will give the dog some exercise and allow it to explore its surroundings. If you take your Shih Tzu for walks regularly, it may be less likely to follow you around all the time.
5. Play with your Shih Tzu
Another way to stop your Shih Tzu from following you is to play with it more often. Dogs are social creatures and need interaction with their owners. If you spend more time playing with your Shih Tzu, it may be less likely to follow you everywhere you go.
6. Give your Shih Tzu attention
Make sure you are spending enough time with your dog and giving it the love and attention it needs. If you neglect your Shih Tzu, it may start following you around to get more time and attention.
7. Train your Shih Tzu

If nothing else seems to work, you may need to train your Shih Tzu not to follow you everywhere. It will require patience and consistency on your part, but if done correctly, it can be an effective way to stop your Shih Tzu from following you around all the time.
It’s perfectly normal for a Shih Tzu to follow his human everywhere. It’s a sign of a strong bond between the two of you. There is no need to be concerned about this behavior unless it becomes excessive and starts to cause problems in your daily life. If that’s the case, there are some things you can do to stop your Shih Tzu from following you so closely. But, until then, enjoy those moments when he showers you with his love and companionship. Have you ever experienced this behavior from your own Shih Tzu? Let us know in the comments below!