Do Shih Tzus Bite A Lot: 12 Ways To Stop This Habit?
Do Shih Tzus bite a lot? It’s a question that many people have when they are considering getting this breed of dog. Shih Tzus are very gentle creatures by nature, but some can bite people or other animals because of any underlying health or behavioral issues.
If your Shih Tzu has a biting problem, it’s essential to address it as soon as possible to ensure the safety of both your dog and those around them. In this article, we will discuss why Shih Tzus may bite and provide tips on how to stop them from biting. We will also explore the importance of socialization and training in preventing biting behavior and discuss positive reinforcement techniques’ role in changing undesirable behavior.
Understanding the causes of biting and implementing effective training techniques can help your Shih Tzu overcome their biting behavior and become a well-behaved family member.
Understanding why Shih Tzus Bite a lot?
There are a few reasons why this may be the case:
1. Lack of Socialization
If a Shih Tzu isn’t properly socialized, he may become fearful of people and other animals, leading to biting. It’s essential to expose your Shih Tzu to various people and animals from a young age so that he learns to trust and feel comfortable around them.
2. Fear
Fear is another common reason why Shih Tzus may bite. If your dog fears something, he may lash out to protect himself. It’s essential to help your Shih Tzu overcome his fears by slowly exposing him to the things that scare him positively and non-threateningly.
3. Pain
If your Shih Tzu is in pain, he may bite to protect himself from further harm. If you think your dog may be in pain, taking him to the vet is crucial to be appropriately diagnosed and treated.
4. Territorial Aggression
Some Shih Tzus may become aggressive if they feel their territory is threatened. It can happen if another animal or person enters their home or yard without permission. If your dog is displaying territorial aggression, it’s essential to provide him with plenty of positive reinforcement when someone new comes into his space so that he learns that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
5. Possessive Aggression
Possessive aggression occurs when a dog feels he needs to protect something that he perceives as valuable, such as food, toys, or even people. If your Shih Tzu is possessive and aggressive, provide him with ample positive reinforcement when someone new enters his space. It will help him realize that there’s no reason to be scared.
6. Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is a condition that occurs when a Shih Tzu becomes anxious and stressed when separated from his owner. Dogs with separation anxiety may bark excessively, destroy furniture, or urinate inside the house. If your Shih Tzu has separation anxiety, working with a veterinarian or certified animal behaviorist is important to create a treatment plan.
7. Genetics
Sometimes, biting may be due to genetics and cannot be helped. If your dog comes from a line of Shih Tzus known for being aggressive biters, there’s unfortunately not much you can do about it except manage his behavior through training and positive reinforcement.
8. Teething
Teething is another common reason for biting, especially in puppies. When puppies are teething, they may chew on things or grind out of discomfort. You can help to alleviate teething pain by giving your puppy chew toys or rawhide bones to gnaw on.
9. Boredom

If a Shih Tzu lacks mental stimulation, it may become bored and start chewing on things or biting out of frustration. It is important to provide your Shih Tzu with plenty of toys and puzzles to keep them occupied to prevent boredom-related biting.
How to Stop Shih Tzu from Biting?
There are several steps you can take to stop Shih Tzu from possessing destructive behaviors like biting:
1. Don’t Encourage It
One of the most important things you can do to prevent your Shih Tzu from biting is never to encourage it. It may seem like common sense, but being aware of your behavior is essential. If you play roughly with your dog or allow them to mouth on your hands, they may interpret this as a sign that biting is acceptable.
2. Start Training Early
It’s also important to start training your Shih Tzu early on not to bite. Puppies are more likely to be receptive to training than adult dogs. If you wait until your Shih Tzu is an adult, they may be less likely to respond to exercise and more likely to continue biting. You can use several different training methods, so talk to your veterinarian or a professional trainer for advice on which would be best for your dog.
3. Teach Them “No”
As with any other behavior, you must teach your Shih Tzu that biting is unacceptable. The best way to do this is to use the word “no” in a firm voice whenever they bite and immediately redirect their attention to a toy or another activity. With consistent training, they should eventually learn that biting results in unpleasant consequences and will be less likely to do it.
4. Use Positive Reinforcement
Another way to prevent your Shih Tzu from biting is to use positive reinforcement. It means rewarding your dog for good behavior and ignoring bad behavior. For example, if your Shih Tzu is chewing on a toy instead of biting you, give them a treat or verbal praise. On the other hand, if they do try to bite you, turn away from them and ignore them for a few minutes.
5. Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

One of the main reasons why dogs bite is because they’re teething and their gums are sore. To help alleviate this discomfort, provide your Shih Tzu with plenty of chew toys specifically designed for teething puppies. It will give them something else to focus their chewing urges instead of your hands or feet.
6. Avoid Rough Games
Another reason why dogs may bite is that they’re trying to play too rough. If your Shih Tzu gets overly excited during playtime and tends to mouth on your hands or clothes, it’s best to avoid wild games such as tug-of-war or wrestling. Stick to gentler activities such as fetch or taking walks together instead.
7. Make Sure your Shih Tzu is Getting Enough Exercise
A tired dog is good, and a bored dog is likelier to engage in destructive behavior like biting. That’s why it’s essential to make sure your Shih Tzu is getting enough exercise. Here are some ideas for how to do that:
- Go for walks together: This is a great way to bond with your dog and give them the necessary physical activity. Just keep them on a leash so they don’t run off.
- Play fetch: This is another great way to burn energy and have fun simultaneously. Just make sure you use a soft toy or ball so they don’t hurt their teeth.
- Sign up for doggy daycare: If you cannot take your Shih Tzu for walks or play with them as often as you’d like, doggy daycare can be a great option. They’ll be able to socialize with other dogs and get plenty of exercise while you’re at work or running errands.
By ensuring your Shih Tzu gets enough exercise, you can help them stay happy and healthy – and prevent them from engaging in destructive behaviors.
8. Never Use Physical Punishment
One of the most important things to remember when training a Shih Tzu not to bite is never to use physical punishment as a form of discipline. It will only cause them to fear you and could lead to them lashing out in aggression.
Not only that, but Shih Tzus are also very sensitive to loud noises, so yelling at them will only startle and upset them. You should also avoid doggie door training methods that could scare your dog, such as slamming the door shut when they try to go through it.
You can teach your Shih Tzu good manners with patience and consistent training without physical or emotional intimidation.
9. Spay or Neuter your Shih Tzu
Like any other dog, Shih Tzus can bite if not properly trained and socialized. However, spaying or neutering your Shih Tzu can help to reduce aggression and biting behavior. This is because sterilization helps to regulate hormone levels, which can impact mood and behavior.
In addition, spayed or neutered dogs are less likely to roam, which can lead to fights with other animals. As a result, this simple step can help make your Shih Tzu a happier, healthier, and safer pet.
10. Be Consistent with Training

As with any other behavior, it’s important to be consistent when training your Shih Tzu not to bite. It means that everyone in the household should use the same commands and follow the same rules regarding biting. If someone in the family ignores the rules or allows the dog to mouth on them, it will only confuse the dog and make it more challenging to break the habit.
11. Be Patient
Training a dog not to bite takes time and patience. There will likely be setbacks along the way, so it’s important not to lose hope and give up on the training altogether. If you’re patient and consistent with your training, your Shih Tzu will eventually learn that biting is unacceptable behavior.
12. Seek Professional Help If Needed
If you’ve tried all of the above tips and you’re still having trouble getting your Shih Tzu to stop biting, it’s best to seek professional help from a certified dog trainer or behaviorist. They can assess the situation and create a customized training plan for your dog’s needs.
Some Shih Tzu may be more prone to biting than others, but there are always things you can do as a responsible owner to help stop your Shih Tzu from biting. Aggression in dogs can sometimes be caused by fear or anxiety, so understanding the root of the problem is critical to preventing the behavior.
If you think your Shih Tzu may be biting out of fear, consult with a professional trainer or behaviorist who can help you address the issue. Most Shih Tzus can be taught to refrain from biting with patience and proper training. Have you ever had trouble getting your Shih Tzu to stop biting? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below!
Are Shih Tzus Aggressive Dogs?
Shih Tzus are not typically aggressive dogs. In fact, they are often described as being one of the most gentle breeds of dogs. However, like all dogs, Shih Tzus can display aggressive behavior, such as biting, if they feel threatened or are not properly socialized.
What Causes Aggression in Shih Tzus?
Several different factors can cause Shih Tzu’s aggression. Some dogs may be genetically predisposed to aggression, while others may become aggressive due to poor socialization or abuse. Additionally, some medical conditions can cause dogs to become aggressive.
How Can you Prevent your Shih Tzu from Being Aggressive?
You can do several things to prevent your Shih Tzu from becoming aggressive. Proper socialization is essential in preventing aggression, as it helps your dog to learn how to interact with other animals and people.
Providing your Shih Tzu with plenty of exercises and mental stimulation is important, as boredom can often lead to aggression. If you think your dog may be showing signs of aggression, it is important to consult a veterinarian or professional trainer to help manage the behavior.
What Should you Do if your Shih Tzu is Aggressive?
You should do several things to keep yourself and others safe from your Shih Tzu’s aggressive behavior like biting habits.
1. It is important to remain calm and avoid making any sudden movements or loud noises, as this could further agitate your dog.
2. If possible, You should try to remove yourself and any other people or animals from the situation.
3. If the aggression persists, you may need professional help to manage this behavior safely.