Should You Get A Second Shih Tzu: Pros And Cons Of Having Two Shih Tzus
Are you considering adding a second Shih Tzu to your family? Having one or two adorable dogs can be a unique and rewarding experience.
So, Should you get a second Shih Tzu? Before making such a big commitment, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of having two Shih Tzus. With double the energy, playfulness, and love for human interaction, there’s certainly a lot more attention, time, and responsibility required from pet owners when there are two rather than just one puppy!
Here is what you need to know to make an educated decision that works best for yourself and your furry companions.

Pros and Cons of Having Two Shih Tzus
Owning two Shih Tzus can be fun and rewarding—but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Before you decide to get two of these lovable little dogs, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons:
The Benefits of Owning Two Shih Tzus
If you’re considering getting a Shih Tzu, you may want to get two instead of just one. Having two Shih Tzus has many benefits, from providing companionship for both owner and pup to making life easier in specific ways. Let’s take a look at some of the pros of having two Shih Tzus.
1. Companionship
A pair of Shih Tzus is an excellent combination for someone looking for a low-maintenance and socially engaged pet. These little dogs love having playmates and the companionship of having another pup around.
Since they are prone to separation anxiety, if one is left alone, it can become distressing – two together can mean double the fun but also prevent both from feeling lonely when their owners are away or out of the house. It means that not only will your two Shih Tzus benefit from one another’s company, but they will also keep each other entertained. At the same time, you’re busy, but they’ll also remain happy and healthy without suffering from too much loneliness or boredom.
2. Caring for Two is Easier than for One
If you’re a pet lover but don’t have the life demands of owning multiple dogs, then having two Shih Tzus could be the perfect choice for you! Not only is it excellent for these two fur buddies to keep each other company when their family is away, but they can also help motivate one another during training and exercise sessions.
Having two also means less worry if something happens to one of them as you have a safety net in the form of their partner. Sure, there can sometimes be fights between them now and then, but overall, it’s much easier to care for two at once than starting from scratch with just one pup.
3. Double the Fun and Love
Let’s talk about the best part: the joy and love two Shih Tzus bring into your home. With two, every day is an adventure. They have their personalities, and watching them interact is like having live entertainment in your living room. And the love they give? It’s doubled. Imagine getting greeted by two happy faces instead of one, receiving twice the number of cuddles, and yes, even double the laughs with their silly antics. It’s like having your heart filled to the brim with furry love.
4. Why Two Shih Tzus Are Better Than One
Having two Shih Tzus means there’s never a dull moment. They’re like two peas in a pod, bringing endless fun, companionship, and love into your life. They support each other, learn from each other, and, in doing so, make your life a whole lot brighter. Caring for them can be easier than you think, with them entertaining each other and even sharing grooming duties.
5. More Fun!
Regarding the love and joy of owning pups, there’s no denying that two are better than one! You get to watch them develop a special bond with each other, and you’ll also be twice as blessed with unconditional love and affection from your furry friends.
It gives me so much pleasure when I see my two pups playing and cuddling together – it melts my heart! And don’t forget the entertainment they provide; they always keep me on my toes with their playful antics! Knowing I can give love and security to only one or two animals makes me feel fantastic.
So, if you want to double the fun in your life, why give double the love and take home two pups this weekend?
The Drawbacks of Having Two Shih Tzus
As wonderful as it can be to own two Shih Tzus, some drawbacks come with this decision as well. Here are a few cons to consider before committing to two dogs:
1. Extra Time Will Be Required For Grooming
Taking care of a Shih Tzu is no small feat – their long coats need regular grooming to keep them looking sleek and feeling good. That means dedicating time to brushing, brushing, and more brushing! It can be challenging if you lead a busy life with a full-time job and other responsibilities.

But don’t worry; with patience and persistence, you can master the art of grooming your adorable pup. After all, taking care of Fido is worth it – he’ll look great and feel his best!
2. Harder To Train Two Shih Tzus At Once
Training two Shih Tzus can be challenging even for experienced owners. You must get creative with your methods and tailor the training to accommodate each pup’s personality.
While some extra effort may be required, it will be worth it; your furry friends need to understand and obey the same rules if you want them to grow and learn together correctly.
If your expectations aren’t clear, it could lead to confusion or frustration, making it harder for them to understand you or meet your expectations in the future.
3. Budgeting for Two
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the cost. Having two Shih Tzus means buying twice as much food and toys and paying double the vet visits. Planning your budget and ensuring you can cover these extra costs is essential. But don’t let this scare you! Many owners find the joy their pets bring is worth every penny. And there are ways to save, like buying in bulk or finding affordable pet care options.
4. Navigating the Cons
While there are challenges to having two Shih Tzus, none are impossible to overcome. Regular grooming keeps their coats healthy and beautiful, and it’s a chance to strengthen your bond. Training might test your patience, but it’s also an opportunity to learn and grow with your pets. And yes, the costs are higher, but careful planning and budgeting can help you manage.
3. More Expensive
If you’re considering getting a second Shih Tzu, ensuring your budget can handle the additional costs is essential. You must buy double the food, toys, and accessories and factor in extra vet visits and treatments for each pup. Those expenses can add up fast, so it would be wise to ensure you have an extra cushion in your budget before bringing another adorable dog into your life.
Taking these extra steps now will help ensure that both of your beloved Shih Tzus get the attention and care they need over their lifetime.
How do you introduce two Shih Tzu in the same space?
It can be intimidating when two Shih Tzu are introduced to each other. After all, how do you ensure that two dogs will get along? Having two Shih Tzu in the same space requires establishing boundaries and behaviors for them to feel safe and comfortable.
Read on for tips on ensuring your two furry friends live peacefully together!
1. Identifying Dominance
One of the essential things when introducing two dogs is beginning by establishing dominance between them. If left unchecked, this can lead to fights or aggression over territory or resources such as food or toys. Ensure one of the dogs is the leader and set up rules immediately so they both understand their roles in the relationship.
2. Exercising Patience
When introducing two dogs, staying calm and patient with both pets throughout the process is essential. It means refraining from yelling or punishing either dog if an altercation occurs — instead, take a few steps back and allow them to work out their differences themselves. It may take some time for them to get used to each other, but they will eventually learn how to coexist peacefully with patience and understanding.
3. Giving Both Dogs Equal Attention

It’s also crucial that both Shih Tzu are given equal attention so they don’t become jealous of each other or start competing for love and affection. Ensuring your furry friends get enough play time and cuddles will help build a strong bond between them!
Adding a second Shih Tzu to your family is a decision that comes with its own set of challenges, but the joy and companionship they offer far outweigh these. Proper introduction, equal attention, and understanding of their needs can turn these challenges into a rewarding experience. Training might require more patience, and your expenses will undoubtedly increase, but the laughter, love, and memories two Shih Tzus create are priceless.
If you’re ready to double the fun, love, and furry friendship in your home, then welcoming another Shih Tzu might be perfect. Remember, a well-informed decision is the key to a happy, harmonious home filled with tail wags and puppy kisses.
Can Two Shih Tzus Get Along Well?
Absolutely! Shih Tzus are known for their friendly and pleasant nature. Two Shih Tzus can become the best pals with proper introduction and patience. They often enjoy having a companion to play with, which can also help reduce feelings of loneliness when you’re not around.
Will I have two Shih Tzus double my expenses?
Yes, having two dogs will increase your expenses, as you’ll need to consider food, vet visits, grooming, and possibly more toys and treats. However, many owners find the extra cost manageable and worth the added joy and companionship two Shih Tzus bring.
How Do I Manage Jealousy Between Two Shih Tzus?
Jealousy can happen but can be managed with equal attention and love. Ensure both dogs receive the same amount of affection, playtime, and treats. Having separate beds and feeding areas can also help reduce competition and ensure each dog feels secure and loved.
Is Training Two Shih Tzus Harder Than Training One?
Training two dogs comes with challenges, as they can distract each other. However, it can also be an advantage because they can learn from watching each other. The key is to train them individually and together, using positive reinforcement and patience.
Does Shih Tzus Need a Lot of Exercises?
Shih Tzus are relatively low-energy compared to larger breeds but still need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Short daily walks and playtime are usually enough to satisfy their needs. Having two Shih Tzus means they can also play and exercise together, which is great for their physical and mental health.