Why Do Shih Tzus Dig In The Bed: 10 Surprising Reasons
If you’re a Shih Tzu owner and ever come home to find your sheets in disarray and your pillows strewn across the room, you may be wondering what is causing this behavior in your little furry friend.
While Shih Tzus are generally well-behaved, they can sometimes exhibit behaviors that may be puzzling or frustrating to their owners. One behavior that may be concerning for some Shih Tzu owners is when their dog starts digging in their bed.
So why do Shih Tzus dig in the bed and how you can stop them from digging? In this blog post, we will explore the 10 common reasons why they dig in their beds. So, without further ado, let’s dig in!
1) To make a Shelter
By digging into the bed, Shih Tzus are actually trying to make a shelter! dogs are instinctively driven to dig dens for themselves. This behavior is especially strong in Shih Tzus, who were originally bred as companion animals in Imperial China. Since they didn’t have access to beds or other forms of human-made shelter, they had to make do with what they could find.
Today, most Shih Tzus live in homes with plenty of soft beds and blankets. But their digging instinct is still strong! When they burrow under the covers, they’re actually trying to recreate the feeling of being in a cozy den. So next time your Shih Tzu starts digging in the bed, try to understand their motivation. They’re just trying to make themselves comfortable!

2) To get rid of Boredom or Curiosity
Shih Tzus are known for their inquisitive nature, and they may start digging in the bed simply out of boredom or curiosity. The other thing you can expect from your Shih Tzu when they are bored or stressed; is massive licking. Whatever the reason, it’s important to provide your Shih Tzu with enough mental and physical stimulation to prevent them from becoming bored or restless. Otherwise, you may find yourself coming home to a very messy bed!
3) To burn Excess Energy
One of the answers to the most asked question that why Shih Tzus dig in the bed is that; Shih Tzus have a lot of energy to burn. Without enough exercise, they may start looking for ways to release all that built-up energy. Digging is a great way to do this! Additionally, dogs often like to bury their favorite toys or bones in their sleeping area. This helps them create a sense of security and comfort. So if your Shih Tzu has been doing some bedtime digging, there’s no need to worry. Just make sure they’re getting enough exercise and they should settle down soon enough.
4) To mark their territory
Any owner of a Shih Tzu knows that these dogs have a strong sense of territory. One way that Shih Tzus mark their territory is by digging in the bed. This behavior usually occurs when the dog is feeling anxious or threatened. By digging in the bed, the Shih Tzu is able to create a physical barrier between itself and the perceived threat. Additionally, the act of digging releases endorphins, which help to calm and relax the dog. While it can be frustrating to find your bed covered in dirt, it is important to remember that this is simply your Shih Tzu’s way of claiming ownership.
5) To get rid of Anxiety
Just like humans, dogs can suffer from anxiety and stress. And just like humans, they may turn to unhealthy habits to cope. For some dogs, this means excessive barking or chewing. For others, it may manifest as digging. So, why do Shih Tzus dig in the bed? If your Shih Tzu is prone to digging in the bed, it may be worth considering whether they’re suffering from anxiety. Of course, this is just one theory and there could be other causes for bed-digging behavior. However, if your dog is displaying other signs of anxiety, such as pacing or excessive panting, it’s worth considering whether their bed-digging is linked to stress or anxiety.
6) To Seek Attention

If your Shih Tzu is digging in the bed, the one possibility is that they’re seeking attention. If you tend to spend more time in bed than anywhere else, it’s only natural that your dog would want to be where you are. They may also be trying to create a cozy nest for themselves. Another possibility is that they’re trying to hide something from you. Whether it’s a bone or a toy, dogs have been known to bury their treasured possessions in soft, comfortable places. Whatever the reason, it’s important to discourage digging behavior early on. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a hole in your bed and a very unhappy dog.
7) To Play Aggression
Shih Tzus are a breed of dog that is known for its playfulness. However, this playfulness can sometimes get out of hand, and Shih Tzus may start to dig in the bed to vent their aggression. This aggression may be directed at other animals or people, but it can also be directed at inanimate objects, such as beds. If left unchecked, this play aggression can cause severe problems for your children and your dog. In order to control play aggression, it is important to understand why Shih Tzus dig in the bed. Often, this behavior is a result of boredom or frustration.
If your Shih Tzu is not getting enough exercise, they may start to dig in the bed as a way to release their energy. Additionally, if your Shih Tzu feels frustrated or cooped up, they may start to dig in the bed as a way to relieve their stress. Whatever the reason for your dog’s play aggression, it is important to address the issue before it becomes a serious problem.
8) To Try to Escape
Shih Tzus are a breed of dog that is known for its loyalty and affection. However, they can also be quite stubborn, and this can lead to some interesting behavior. For example, many Shih Tzus dig in the bed trying to escape. If they feel enclosed or claustrophobic, they may start digging in an attempt to get out. Of course, this can be quite frustrating for their owners, who may find themselves in a messy bedroom. However, it is important to remember that Shih Tzus are just trying to express their feelings, and they should not be reprimanded for it. After all, who knows what we would do if we were in their shoes?
9) To Have Fun
For a Shih Tzu, digging is simply fun! It’s a great way to burn off energy and get some exercise. Plus, it’s an instinctual behavior for many dogs. But why the bed specifically? Well, beds are soft and comfortable, which makes them the perfect place to dig. Your Shih Tzu can bury himself in the blankets and pillows and just relax. So next time your Shih Tzu starts digging in the bed, try not to get too frustrated. After all, he’s just having a good time! You can stop your Shih Tzu from digging in the bed with a little training.
10) To make a Comfortable Spot
Shih Tzus are bred as companion dogs, and they thrive on close contact with their humans. By creating a nest-like area in their bed, they can be sure that they always have a cozy spot to curl up in. So the next time you see your Shih Tzu digging in their bed, don’t scold them – give them a reassuring pat and know that they’re just trying to make themselves comfortable.
Why do Shih Tzus dig in the bed? One theory is that they are trying to bury a bone or other toy. Another possibility is that they are seeking attention. It could also be that your dog is simply trying to satisfy his natural need to dig. Some dogs like to dig because it’s a way to relieve boredom or stress. Regardless of the reason, with a little patience and training, you can help your dog kick the digging habit.